Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blogging again - FINALLY! Life in the USA

It's been sooo long since i've blogged, I KNOW! I'm sorry people.

Well, as you might have already guessed, college is busy. SOOO busy! But I do still have time to miss people back home, my family, friends, and RBS-ers.

I've made a lot of great friends. British guy, Brazilian best friend, American buddies, Congo sista, Aussie 'dahling', and the rest of my international family. It's really been great fun.

Tim Talbot, British Missionary Kid in Thailand; Mariana, Brazilian; Angie, Malaysian!!! XD

Well, most of my pictures are up on Facebook, and again, I AM busy, so, I do hope that you guys can forgive me! But I do PROMISEEE that i will update REALLY soon!

Till then,
Cheers dahlings,