Saturday, July 31, 2010

Starting Anew

Hey everyone! I know it's been ages since I've had a blog (and most of you would probably not know that I even HAD one...) But since I'll be heading off to College soon, It's best that I have a blog so that I can update you guys on the latest. XD

Anyways, these few days have been really uncomfortable for my back. Basically, because I've been sleeping in my temporary "new" room. Which, would be......

It's actually cause some maggots have been invading the room lately. Which is unfortunate for us. :(

Well, other than that, I've had to do a lot of packing, preparing to leave for the states and all.

It's coming soon... I'm actually really excited to go, although at the same time, I'm really upset that I have to leave all of you behind here in Malaysia...

God help me... :(